Recommended planting distances – So you not disturb your neighbor

Although local governments may provide for planting and planting distances in a separate decree or local building code for their settlement, many local governments have not made use of this possibility. Municipal decrees have generally taken over the installation distances of the repealed decree. In the absence of this, in principle, vegetation can be planted anywhere on the plot. The only condition is that it must not disturb the owner or user of the adjacent property (shading, disturbance of views, branches extending to the plot, roots, roots growing under the building, branches leaning on the building, vegetation impeding renovation work on the building). can not cause.


Rule of thumb: do not disturb your neighbor

Although local governments may provide for planting and planting distances in a separate decree or local building code for their settlement, many local governments have not made use of this possibility. Municipal decrees have generally taken over the installation distances of the repealed decree. In the absence of this, in principle, vegetation can be planted anywhere on the plot. The only condition is that it must not disturb the owner or user of the adjacent property (shading, disturbance of views, branches extending to the plot, roots, roots growing under the building, branches leaning on the building, vegetation impeding renovation work on the building).

Legally recommended actions before installation, planting:

In all cases, check with the mayor ‘s office of the municipality where you are installing that whether there are local regulations determining planting and planting distances. If so, let us act in that spirit, but before planting, let your affected neighbor know about your intentions and ask for your opinion.

If there is no municipal regulation determining the installation distances to be observed from the plot boundaries and buildings, keep in mind the following:

On public green spaces

  • Each has a trunk diameter greater than 10 cm not cutting down a fruit tree throughout the administrative area subject to authorization
  • The locations of the rows of trees marked in the regulatory plan may not be constructed or removed with tall or civil engineering facilities.
  • During high-rise and civil engineering works, the existing vegetation must be treated as a feature and the existing protection distances must be observed.
  • Timber felling can only take place in justified cases and with the obligation to replace timber.
  • The amount of wood replacement required is the planting of an amount of wood equal to the trunk size of the felled tree, min. With seedlings of 8/10 trunk size.
  • It can be installed 3.00 m from a wooden and evergreen building, fence, 2.00 m from a shrub.
  • pad

In private areas, the following planting distances must be observed:

  • Hedge lower than 1.5 meters, bush can be planted 0.5 meters from the plot boundary, 2.0 meters from the building
  • Hedge, bush and tree higher than 1.5 meters 2.0 meters from the plot boundary, 3.0 meters from the building
  • other wood (except walnut and tall trees) 3.0 meters from the plot boundary, 4.0 meters from the building
  • walnut and tall trees, 5.0 meters from the plot boundary, 7.0 meters from the building

Municipal decrees have generally taken over the installation distances of the repealed decree. In the absence of this, in principle, vegetation can be planted anywhere on the plot. The only condition is that it must not disturb the owner or user of the adjacent property (shading, disturbance of views, branches extending to the plot, roots, roots growing under the building, branches leaning on the building, vegetation impeding renovation work on the building). can not cause.


Minimum installation distances I recommend:

From plot boundary:

  • Half the height of the expected adult plant.

From the building or from the plot boundary that can be built by our neighbor:

    • Lawn, flowers, strawberries, onions, etc. 0.50 m
    • Shrub not growing higher than 1 m, bush 1.50 m
    • Grapes, shrub not growing higher than 2 m, bush, hedge, ornamental tree 2.00 m
    • All other shrubs and ornamental trees not growing higher than 3 m are 2.50 m
    • Non-spatial ornamental tree that does not grow higher than 4 m 3.50 m
    • Low-growing fruit tree, growing taller than 4 m, spacious ornamental tree 5.00 m
    • Cherry tree and fruit trees not listed above, as well as poplar, willow, acacia, pine 7.00 m



It is expedient to observe the planting and planting distance from our own buildings, but in order to avoid and avoid subsequent inconveniences, it has an important role for the neighbors and neighboring real estates (buildings, plot boundaries).