How fiber benefits us

Fiber also helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases – including cancer, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes – and keeps cholesterol levels under control, adds Jennifer Martin-Biggers of Hum Nutrition.

And indeed, the short-term symptoms of a low-fiber diet can be at least unpleasant. Normally we should consume 25-35 grams of fiber per day.

Don’t you hire enough?

Some signs to warn you that you are not getting enough fiber include:


“You probably already know that you can have constipation when you do not get enough fiber. However, these combined with a lot of water can solve the problem, “says Frances Largeman-Roth.

Constant feeling of hunger

If you are hungry a lot and often, then you probably do not consume foods rich in fiber, as they intensify the feeling of fullness for longer, according to experts. This is because the fibers are not broken down and used by our body, so they need more time to pass through our digestive system.

This slower process also means that your intestinal walls have more time to absorb vitamins and nutrients from your meal.

Energy at minus

Morning coffee is not the only element that supplies you with the necessary energy. If you feel very tired or lethargic, then this could be a sign that you are not consuming sufficient amounts of fiber.

This is because fiber helps slow down the release of nutrients during digestion, which also makes it slower to release sugar molecules from the carbohydrates we eat.

This is because fiber helps your body break down and absorb carbohydrates more slowly, which helps keep your blood sugar levels steady.