Let’s Get to know about the Japanese hoarfrost !

Skimmia japonica “Rubella” or evergreen Japanese frostbite is much known as “VV flower” because in one of the series it decorated the players’ apartments. Many people love it because its flower resembles the flower of an organ – only in an evergreen design. We love it because it is almost indestructible.

Beautiful balcony plant

It can be grown in pots, but when planted in the garden, it looks great. Skimmia do not like calcareous soil and water, but Rubella is more resistant to lime. Most rhubarb brings male and female flowers in separate bushes. Because Rubella is a male plant, it does not produce berries.

Japanese hoarfrost

This hoarfrost flower growing upwards. The leaves are fragrant when crushed, mostly bordered in red. In the spring, bunches of flowers develop for the deep red buds. It is also quite resistant to salt spray, industrial pollution and wind. Tough plant. It can withstand colds of -15 ° C. It was kept in pots Japanese hoarfrost in winter should be very careful watered if the temperature is regularly minus. Do not let the root ball soak because the frozen root ball destroys the root of our plant.

Japanese rhubarb flower

Caring for Japanese fringe wages

Put it in the shade or half shade as you don’t like full sunlight. It requires abundant watering during the growing season. Never let your root ball dry out. Plant the plant in pots every two weeks in summer with houseplant, or use a little slow-dissolving fertilizer in early summer.

At the end of spring, transplant the hoarfrost into lime-free, organic-rich potting soil. It can also be pruned in the spring, but be careful to carefully remove any unwanted shoots.

Diseases of Japan

Yellowing leaves with excessive amounts of strong sunlight or too high a limestone content in the soil or water will yellow the hoarfrost leaves. If such symptoms are observed, short-term treatment of the plant with an iron chelate preparation should be initiated as a matter of urgency.