Cheaper Nintendo Switch Lite remains least selling version

The Nintendo Switch Lite remains the lowest-selling version of the Nintendo console. Despite being the cheapest version, less than one in six Switch consoles sold in the past two years has been a Lite version.

The traditional Switch accounted for almost half of shipments in recent years, while the OLED model accounted for 36 percent of shipments. In total, Nintendo has shipped nearly 38 million Switch consoles since spring 2021. In total, the console maker shipped 122.5 million copies of its Switch, as it turns out from the quarterly figures.

The OLED model has been more popular than the traditional model since its release. During the past holiday quarter, Nintendo shipped 4.16 million OLED models and about 3 million regular variants of the Switch. Nintendo does not say why the Lite version sells less. The model does have a functional limitation compared to the other versions: the controllers are attached, so it cannot be used as a console to play on TV with separate controllers. Some games are also unplayable as a result.

Nevertheless, the total number of deliveries of the Switch consoles is down compared to previous years. The chip shortage is over, but Nintendo has nevertheless lowered its expectation. The company expects to deliver 3 million copies of all variants together in the coming months. This would bring the total to 18 million this year, where the company was still counting on 19 million a few months ago.

In the field of games, Pokémon Violet and Scarlet the good with 20.6 million units shipped, Nintendo says. Splatoon 3 reached 10.1 million units shipped, Switch Sports is at 8.6 million units shipped.
