How do we take care of funnel jasmine (Dipladenia) to bring plenty of flowers?

Funnel jasmine (Dipladenia sanderi, Mandevilla)

THE funnel jasmine obsession love tin (Dipladenia sanderi, Mandevilla) A spectacular creeping shrub from the tropics of South America, it is becoming more and more popular in Hungary, its flowering specimens are sold from spring to autumn.

Its leaves are glossy, leathery, standing one by one. The color of its flowers can vary from white to pink, red to bishop purple, depending on the variety.

Caring for funnel jasmine

Outdoors in summer it can be grown in exchange or in a tub, possibly planted in a flower bed. Heat and light demanding, requires frequent watering. In the hot summer period, do not allow the soil to dry out, but also make sure that the pots do not stand in water either, as their roots may erupt.

For rich flowering, it is advisable to add nutrient solution to the watering water every third watering from spring to autumn.

If you want to keep it in an apartment, put it in a south-facing, sunny window, as it is one of the flowers that is well tolerated by the scorching sunshine as well. If we can, we prefer the outdoors in the summer until the temperature drops below 5 ° C, at which point we should look for a place to spend the winter. Before wintering, it is advisable to prune back the funnel

Wintering of the funnel jasmine

Tuberous plants cause the most trouble during the winter season as we cannot provide adequate wintering space for them. This is also the case with funnel jasmine, the most ideal wintering place for which would be in a bright room at 15-18 ° C, where it can be overwintered without any problems with less frequent watering. In a heated room, in low humidity and light conditions, the plant can quickly perish or fall victim to pests and pathogens.

Propagation of funnel jasmine

Funnel jasmine can be propagated by cuttings, but be careful because milk juice is irritating.

The price of funnel jasmine

As it is an increasingly popular creeper, it is available in virtually any gardening, DIY store, and even periodically at Lidl and Aldi. The price varies depending on the size of the plant. The smaller ones are sold for roughly 2500-3500 forints, the price of the higher, richer roots is around 1000 forints.

Funnel jasmine plant association

Although the funnel jasmine does not come from the shores of the Mediterranean, it still shows well in the company of plants that evoke a Mediterranean atmosphere.