How will our celery stalk be pretty bright? – Leafy vegetables, salads

Celery or fading celery, such as Tall Utah, grows a succulent stem with young leaves. They are ideal for cold dishes, salads or dipped in mayonnaise sauces. Anyone who finds the characteristic celery aroma to be too astringent, too pronounced in taste can fade the stems before picking. We describe how.

Celery leaves are rich in sodium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamins AB and C.

THE celery stalk it has a pleasantly mild celery taste, is very juicy and rich in fiber. Due to its low calorie value, it can be used to make excellent slimming garnishes and salads. With the removal of light, the self-fading perennial celery varieties will be much finer and weaker.

celery stalks

Here’s how to fade stems:

Tie the celery the under a bunch of leaves, and wrap the stalks around a single strip of cardboard or air-permeable black foil, one used against weeds. Moisture condenses under the black foil, making the cardboard strip safer. When covered, the stems fade to light green or yellow in 7-10 days. It is advisable to pack only as many plants as we will need in a given period.